Sunday 1 March 2009

Google analytics helps me identify business strategies

Watching how your own website is used can become a bit addictive. I'm interested not in how it is being used right now, or in historical information. Now I've been using it for some months it is clear to me that spotting the trends is important. For example, when the map overlay shows a flurry of interest from one country or city then I can expect to get a call from there, or it may be just the place I need to aim some marketing at. Similarly, finding out which pages are most accessed hints at what value people are placing on different parts of it.

Google Analytics takes only 10 minutes to set up. You do need to be the owner of the webiste (or ask your IT department to help). It is really not complicated

Do you know how your website is being used? Do you know how you would use the information to inform your strategy?